BTB Terminal Code Table – Procedure for maintenance

BTB Terminal Code Table – Procedure for maintenance

BTB Terminal Code Table | BTB Terminalkodeliste

Download BTB TC Table
Version/versie 30.08, November 2024 (Microsoft Excel)

The BTB Terminal Code Table is a subset of the BICS Terminal Code Table, which includes all loading and unloading locations in Europe, such as container terminals and tank terminals. The full BICS Terminal Code List is available on the website under BICS reference data.

Terminal codes are maintained in collaboration with market participants and waterway authorities. Since January 2012, the harmonized version of the BTB Terminal Code Table has been in use, ensuring consistency and uniformity in the sector.

Adjustment of the BTB TC Table Systematics

There is a proposal for further harmonization of terminal codes, where the UNLocode will no longer play a determining role in the uniqueness of a terminal code.